its been a while.
alright. i put my blogs back up in my link bar so i will be reminded to post to them every so often....
we have been busy!
it was a fine christmas. i am glad its over. i am very happy that 2010 is here and 2009 is done and gone! woot!
my birthday is exactly 23.5 hours away! i love my birthday. this year we are having my family's christmas gathering on the same day! i hope to get double the presents! :)
i like the idea of being 31! its crazy...and its a prime number! so, i can say i am in my prime and mean it!
the midwiffin is going well. we have had 2 births in the last month. one just two days ago! it was nice! we are waiting on a sweet baby girl at the moment...what do you think the odds are that this lil baby girl will decide to come on my birthday?! it would be great!
on the study front i am totally lacking. and slacking. i hope to really get into a groove after this weekend. although i have yet to receive my curriculum....i still have a ton of stuff that i can work on. i need motivation...and the holidays and this time of transition has taken it out of me! i guess its now time to push through and get to it....
well. i am going to bed. goodnight all.
does anyone even read this blog anymore?...ya'll should remind me to post!
You are so awesome, Angie! I'm so lucky to know you!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
that must mean my life just gets more exciting then!
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