so today was supposed to be my first day back at, last night, we pack EVERYTHING up for warrens first long day at day care...i get milk ready. i get a crazy lunch ready for myself as i wont have time to get lunch at work because i will be pumping milk every chance i get...i have to take the pump. and ready my scrubs that i dont even know if they fit (i am only 13 pounds shy of my pre-speck weight!)....and we didnt fall into bed until about 12:30 am last exactly 5 am this morning i get a call from a fellow nurse telling me that i am on stand-by! gaaaaah! so, i roll over and go back to sleep....the extra sleep is good...but can i get this first day done already!!!?! geesh!
so, tomarrow will really be my first real day back unless they call me in sometime before 3pm....which i doubt.
after waking up again at 7:45, i fed the warrenator and readied him for daycare anyhow....over the weekend he decided that the boobie bottle wasnt cutting, i have been worried about him going to daycare for upwards of 9 hours or so....i took him this morning...i neeeeed him to get used to, if i dont get called in to work i will pick him up around 3pm. i hope he does well.
in other news, i started knitting again! i had to stop when i was pregnant because i was having severe wrist knitting was one of the first things to go! i am excited! i am knitting Juliet from Zephyr Style in a lovely heather-y brown...i just got past the arms! so far its an easy peasy knit! now, i just have to figure out how to knit and breastfeed at the same time...warren is a little squirmy at times!
i dont remember if i posted this on my blog yet...but i am hoping to start the midwifery curriculum from the Ancient Art Midwifery Institute soon...i need to come up with some monies in order to start it (i want to pay it in payments for me!)...but i am really excited to get that ball rollin'. hopefully soon!
and lastly, durin just called randomly let me know that he wants a bullwhip for his birthday....i have know idea where that came from or why...chickens beware!
I hope he does better today! Have you already seen this?
See you Friday!
What a sweet little monster and I hope that you get a routine down soon. I've been thinking about you and your men a lot. Take care of yourself sweetie!
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